Beaumont Road Public School

A quality education in an outstanding learning environment

Telephone02 9498 3607


Why not give yourself a break from making lunches every day?

The school canteen is open five days a week at recess and lunch. It offers a wide selection of meals that cater to our diverse school community and adheres to the NSW Government Healthy School Canteen Strategy.

The canteen is operated by the school's P & C Association and our wonderful staff order food, plan menus, cook and bake menu items in advance, and keep the canteen operating efficiently. We also have canteen fun days that have some special treats to celebrate a festival or upcoming holidays.

The canteen operates with the help of volunteers from the school community, the kids love seeing their parents or carers behind the counter so pop your name down to help out or contact for more information.

BRPS Canteen Information 2025